Sledeci post ce verovatno biti u Srbiji. Pretposlednji dan. Planirale smo vise postova ali ovo sunce nas je udarilo u glave i ulenjilo nas jos vise. Nikad nismo spavale manje, al' nikad se nismo ni provodile bolje. Uzivamo i koristimo vreme maksimalno pa je tesko uzeti aparat u ruke i ispucati par slika pored tako lepog mora.
Next post will probably be in Serbia. The before last day. We planned more posts but this sun hit us in the heads and made us lazier even more. We never slept less, but we never spend time better. We are enjoying using the maximum time and it's hard to take a camera in hand and snap a few pictures next to such a beautiful beach.

Next post will probably be in Serbia. The before last day. We planned more posts but this sun hit us in the heads and made us lazier even more. We never slept less, but we never spend time better. We are enjoying using the maximum time and it's hard to take a camera in hand and snap a few pictures next to such a beautiful beach.
Zara skirt
Zara t-shirt
Accessorize bag
Jessica Simpson shoes
Fishbone hat