Friday, June 28, 2013


Nas dve imamo razlicite stilove. Nekad nam se komadi odece poklope, ali ne uklapamo ih na isti
nacin. Zanimljivo je to sto su postovi uglavnom razliciti i to sto jedan dan bude kezual, a drugi recimo ozbiljniji kao ovaj sad. Presle smo iz Toma i Dzerija u stikle. Jos uvek je hladno u Beogradu. Kad kazem hladno mislim hladno jer je leto a nema 54321 stepeni kako je inace leti kod nas.

We have two different styles. Sometimes we get a piece of clothing by coincide, but don't fit them in the same way. Interestingly, the posts are mostly different and one day is casual and the other more serious as this now. We moved from Tom and Jerry to heels. It's still cold in Belgrade. When I say cold I mean cold because it is summer and there's not 54321 degrees that normally fly with us.

Aforidita Mode Collection blazer
Zara t-shirt
Zara jeans
Zara necklace
Romanson watch
Jessica Simpson shoes
Lindex sunglasses

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Vracamo se u detinjstvo. Jedan od najdrazih crtanih filmova, pored Sundjer Boba, Kralja lavova, ostalih Dizni likova i jos mnogih crtanih kojih ne mozemo trenutno da se setimo, tu je Tom i Dzeri. Uz to idu odrasli detalji kao sto su sat i neki nakit. Onako kezual varijanta. Pala je temperatura u Beogradu, pa smo iskoristile priliku da u post ubacimo jedan od omiljenih dzempera. Tu je i kapa. Sad treba objasniti ljudima sta ce kapa na 16-17 stepeni, a uz to sorts. Sve se nekako uklopilo. Mali miks nikad ne skodi. 

Going back to childhood. One of our  favorite cartoons, besides Sponge Bob, The Lion King, other Disney characters and many cartoons that we can't remember now, there's Tom and Jerry. With addition, adults details like watch and some jewelry. Casual variant. Dropped the temperature in Belgrade, so we took the opportunity to insert the post in one of our favorite sweater. There is a beanie. Now we need to explain to people what's beanie doing in 16-17 degrees, with shorts. It all somehow fit. Little mix never hurts.

Bershka sweater
Stradivarius shorts
Fossil watch
Accessorize jewelry
Vans shoes
Atlantis beanie
Avenue bag

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Five thousand words

Sa minimalno snage pisemo ovaj post. Valjda ste vec navikli. Kazu da slika govori 1000 reci. Evo vama 5 slika. To je onda 5000  reci pa vi vidite koliko truda je ulozeno. Najkraci tekst ikada. Nemojte na to da se navikavate. Evo necu ni ja, obecavam. Ovo je poslednji put.

With minimum power writing this post. I guess you are used to that. They say that a picture is worth 1000 words. Here you have 5 pictures. It's then a 5000 words, so you see how much effort has been invested. Shortest text ever. Don't get used to it. I  won't either, I promise. This is the last time.

Tally Weijl skirt
Pull&bear t-shirt
Accessorize sunglasses
Mango bag
Converse shoes

Saturday, June 22, 2013

I don't care, I Iove it

Nas dve i jos dve drugarice, letnji raspust (koji smo pomenule bar 100 puta a verovatno cemo jos toliko), dobar kafic pa jos dole pored reke, moze li bolje? Sad nam ovi kasni postovi prelaze u naviku. Nekako lakse funkcionisemo kad se Mesec i Sunce smene, kad padne temperatura za mali broj stepeni koji su inace veoma znacajni poslednjih par dana u Beogradu, a i celoj Srbiji. Valjda nas je to isto Sunce udarilo u glavu evo pojacavamo radio, cuje se pesma po kom je ovaj post nazvan, glasne smo veceras (mada i uvek), zalim komsije.

The two of us and two other friends, summer holiday (which we mentioned at least 100 times and we'll do it more), good cafe down by the river, can it be better ? Now we delay these posts is a habit. It functions easier when the Moon and Sun shifts when the temperature drops a few degrees, which are otherwise very important the last few days in Belgrade and throughout Serbia. I guess the same Sun got in my head here amplifies the radio you hear a song on which this post is named, we are loud tonight (as always), poor neighbors.

Terranova sweater
Zara skirt
Accessorize headband
Accessorize bag
Lindex sunglasses
Vans shoes

Friday, June 21, 2013


Opet sledi izvinjenje. Ovaj put smo preterale, mada je opravdanje sad bolje. Lenje smo da vam objasnimo, ali verujte, razlozi su dobri. Umorne smo. Ceo dan smo provele po gradu. Ne znamo gde nismo bile. Opet opravdanja. Sta da pisemo vise? Nemamo snage. Pozdravljamo vas. Kreveti nas zovu.

Again, an apology. This time it went too far, but far better justification. We are lazy to explain, but trust us, the reasons are good. We are tired. We spent the whole day in the city. I do not know where we were. Again excuse. What should I write more? We don't have that power. We salute you. Beds are calling us.

Gift dress
Stradivarius bag
Stradivarius denim shirt
Accessorize ring
Accessorize sunglasses
Not brended hat
Converse shoes

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Get lucky

Volimo leto, ali ovako sparno vreme nas sprecava da normalno funkcionisemo. Imale smo srece jer kad smo  izasle iz kuce nije bilo strasno, ali evo vec je 2 sata popodne. Sedimo i kuckamo ovo, ali ne znam odakle nam snage. Topimo se ovde, a leto jos nije ni pocelo. Bar je letnji raspust poceo. Neopisiva sreca i sloboda.

We love summer, but this sultry weather is stopping us from functioning normally. We were lucky because when we left the house wasn't so bad, but it's already 2pm.We are siting and typing this, but I don't know how we have strength. We are melting here, and summer has not even started. At least the summer holiday began. Indescribable happiness and freedom.

Stradivarius denim jacket
Bershka t-shirt
New look maxi skirt
Accessorize sunglasses
Accessorize+Vintage jewelry
Springfield flats
Not branded bag

Friday, June 14, 2013


Pokajale smo se sto smo rekle da nam je draza ravna obuca. Novi post, nove cipele sa stiklom. Sad je nekako tesko odluciti se izmedju te dve vrste obuce. Visoke stikle, visoke nade, jel tako bese? I da iskoristim priliku da se izvinim za jucerasnji propust bloga. Ovo je trebalo jos juce da stoji na blogu, ali eto, brz dan, a lenje mi. Ne zamerite.

We regretted that we said that we prefer flat shoes. New post, new shoes and high heels. Now it's kind of hard to decide between these two types of shoes. High heels, high hopes, right? I'll take this opportunity to apologize for yesterday's failure post on blog. This post supposed to be yesterday on the blog, but here, fast day, and we are lazy. Do not mind.

Mango shirt
Bershka jacket
Zara shoes
Accessorize bag
Bershka pants
Lindex sunglasses
Accessorize+Six jewelry

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

All grown up

Oduvek smo i drugarica i ja preferirale ravnu obucu. Starke uglavnom, klasika. Ovaj put je drugacije. Nismo ih krisom uzele iz maminih ormara kao sto smo radile dok smo bile male. Nase mame sad ni nemaju cipele sa tom velicinom stikli. Njima je to veliko. Izgleda da smo ih prerasle. Sa stiklama, kao i sa starkama, nikad ne mozete da pogresite.

From the beginning my friend and I prefered flat shoes. Converse mostly, classic. This time it's different. We did not secretly taken from our mom's closet as we did when we were little. Our moms now do not even have shoes with that size of the heel. It's big for them. We seem to have outgrown them. With heels, as well as converse, you can never make a mistake.

New Yorker t-shirt
Zara shorts
Lindex sunglasses
Accessorize bag 
Six necklace
Mom's coat 
Code shoes

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Jako sunce, kratka haljina, vezana kosa i naocare za sunce. Sve sto je danas bilo potrebno. Doslo je vreme za to, napokon. Za sad blog je uspesan i hvala onome ko cita ovo (ako postoje takvi ljudi). Koliko uopste blog moze da bude uspesan nakon evo vec treceg dana i treceg posta? Pocetnicka sreca verovatno.

Bright sun, short dress, tied hair and sunglasses. All we needed today. The time has come for it, finally. For now, a blog is a success and thank you to whoever is reading this (if there are such people). How successful the blog can be after already three days and third post? Beginner's luck I guess.

Zara dress
Zara blazer
Vans sneakers
Gift bag
Accessorize jewelry
Lindex sunglasses

Monday, June 10, 2013

Mint candy

Drugi post. Za sad smo redovne. Valjda se na pocetku toliko zagrejemo za ovu stvar da je to jedino sto zelimo da radimo ceo dan. Evo vec smisljamo neki novi autfit. Mozda je rano, ali i nemamo pametnija posla. Skola neka saceka. Ovo je prva ljubav. Ovaj post je sladak. Mene bar podseca na secernu vunu i sve moguce slatkise. Neka to bude zamena za slatkise jer trenutno su zabranjeni. Ipak ide leto.

Second post. For now we are regular. I guess at the start we are so warm up to this point it's the only thing we want to do all day. We already create some new outfit. Maybe it's early, but we don't have anything better to do. School can wait. This is the first love. This post is cute. It reminds me of cotton candy and candy of all types. Let it be a replacement for sugar because they are currently forbidden. Still summer is coming.

Zara sweater
Zara necklace
Zorannah skirt
Not branded hat
Accessorize sunglasses
Tally Weijl bag
H&M boots

The golden one

Drugarica i ja vec neko vreme zelimo da napravimo blog. Dosao je i taj dan. Prvi post. Pocetak neceg, nadam se uspesnog, ali pre svega neka samo bude samo vid zabave. Mnogo bi mi trebalo sad da pisem o tome kako se znamo i kako smo dosle na ovu ideju. Nadam se da ce bar nekome biti zanimljiv blog iako imam osecaj da trenutno pricam sama sa sobom.

My friend and I for some time we want to make a blog. The day has come. The first post. The beginning of something, hopefully successful, before all that it is going to be just a form of entertainment. It would take me a lot of time to write about how we met and how we came up with this idea. I hope that at least someone would get interested about the blog although I have a feeling that at the moment I'm talking to myself.

New Look t-shirt
Bershka jacket
Lindex sunglasses
Zara jeans
Zara necklace
Tally Weijl bag
Jessica Simpson shoes