Nas dve imamo razlicite stilove. Nekad nam se komadi odece poklope, ali ne uklapamo ih na isti
nacin. Zanimljivo je to sto su postovi uglavnom razliciti i to sto jedan dan bude kezual, a drugi recimo ozbiljniji kao ovaj sad. Presle smo iz Toma i Dzerija u stikle. Jos uvek je hladno u Beogradu. Kad kazem hladno mislim hladno jer je leto a nema 54321 stepeni kako je inace leti kod nas.
We have two different styles. Sometimes we get a piece of clothing by coincide, but don't fit them in the same way. Interestingly, the posts are mostly different and one day is casual and the other more serious as this now. We moved from Tom and Jerry to heels. It's still cold in Belgrade. When I say cold I mean cold because it is summer and there's not 54321 degrees that normally fly with us.

nacin. Zanimljivo je to sto su postovi uglavnom razliciti i to sto jedan dan bude kezual, a drugi recimo ozbiljniji kao ovaj sad. Presle smo iz Toma i Dzerija u stikle. Jos uvek je hladno u Beogradu. Kad kazem hladno mislim hladno jer je leto a nema 54321 stepeni kako je inace leti kod nas.
We have two different styles. Sometimes we get a piece of clothing by coincide, but don't fit them in the same way. Interestingly, the posts are mostly different and one day is casual and the other more serious as this now. We moved from Tom and Jerry to heels. It's still cold in Belgrade. When I say cold I mean cold because it is summer and there's not 54321 degrees that normally fly with us.
Aforidita Mode Collection blazer
Zara t-shirt
Zara jeans
Zara necklace
Romanson watch
Jessica Simpson shoes
Lindex sunglasses
Zanimljiv outfit!
Hvala,odlican ti je blog :)
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Hvala ti puno :))
ReplyDeleteThanks :D !
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ReplyDeleteHvala Ti puno :)