Saturday, June 22, 2013

I don't care, I Iove it

Nas dve i jos dve drugarice, letnji raspust (koji smo pomenule bar 100 puta a verovatno cemo jos toliko), dobar kafic pa jos dole pored reke, moze li bolje? Sad nam ovi kasni postovi prelaze u naviku. Nekako lakse funkcionisemo kad se Mesec i Sunce smene, kad padne temperatura za mali broj stepeni koji su inace veoma znacajni poslednjih par dana u Beogradu, a i celoj Srbiji. Valjda nas je to isto Sunce udarilo u glavu evo pojacavamo radio, cuje se pesma po kom je ovaj post nazvan, glasne smo veceras (mada i uvek), zalim komsije.

The two of us and two other friends, summer holiday (which we mentioned at least 100 times and we'll do it more), good cafe down by the river, can it be better ? Now we delay these posts is a habit. It functions easier when the Moon and Sun shifts when the temperature drops a few degrees, which are otherwise very important the last few days in Belgrade and throughout Serbia. I guess the same Sun got in my head here amplifies the radio you hear a song on which this post is named, we are loud tonight (as always), poor neighbors.

Terranova sweater
Zara skirt
Accessorize headband
Accessorize bag
Lindex sunglasses
Vans shoes


  1. that is a super cool outfit !!! Amazing style !

  2. ma kakve su ovo slike! ahahha

  3. sve ok, ali zar nije očito da ova traka/marama na tvojoj glavi i neodgovara baš.... :(

  4. Hahaha, hvala sto si nam skrenuo/la paznju :D
