Pre nego sto bilo ko iskritikuje kvalitet slika moram da kazem da imamo problema sa fotoaparatom. Hitno mora u servis. Ne znam da objasnim sta se desava. Duvao je vetar, plus zurile smo, plus nije sve onako kako je bilo zamisljeno. Uz sve to, danas je poslednji dan leta. Zbog vremena nismo imale priliku da se pozdravimo sa letom kako dolikuje, da se ovde nadje nesto krace i sladje, lepsih boja i lepseg, letnjeg raspolozenja. Okej. cekamo da pocne lisce da opada sa drveca. Ne budimo pesimisti, nije ni to lose.
Parfois bag
Converse shoes
Pull&bear jeans
Tally Weijl shirt
Tally Weijl necklace
Esprit jacket
Before anyone criticize pictures quality I have to say that we have a problem with the camera. We need to take him urgently to the service. Do not know to explain what is going on with him. The wind was blowing, plus we were rushing, plus everything is not as it was intended. In addition, today is the last day of summer. Because of the weather we didn't have a chance to say goodbye to summer properly so we couldn't wear something shorter and sweeter, nicer and summer colors, summer mood. Okay. we'll wait for the leaves to begin to fall from the trees. Let's not be pessimistic, it's not that bad.
Parfois bag
Converse shoes
Pull&bear jeans
Tally Weijl shirt
Tally Weijl necklace
Esprit jacket