Monday, October 28, 2013

Belgrade fashion week

I vratile smo se! Privatne stvarcice i jako malo vremena, malo lose organizacije i eto sta se desi...izostale smo poprilicno. Uz to ide skola, a nas dve smo suprotna smena i nikako da se uklopimo i zavrsimo sve sto treba. Evo i novog posta, novog fashion week-a. Nasi talentovani dizajneri i mnostvo zainteresovanih ljudi da pogleda njihove revije. Zao nam je sto ne mozemo da izdvojimo vise vremena jer postoji jos dosta talentovanih dizajnera kojima revija predstoji narednih dana. Ako niste preokupirane kao sto smo nas dve preporucujemo vam da odete i podrzite ih. Sigurno se necete pokajati. Uz sve to sada imamo vise slika nego ikada.

And we're back! Small private things and so little time, a little bad organization and this is what happens ... we are quite lacking. School, and the two of us are opposite shifts and can not seem to fit and finish everything we need. Here's a new post, new fashion week. Our talented designers and lots of interested people to look at their shows. Sorry we can not distinguish more time because there are still plenty of talented designers shows coming days ahead. If you are not preoccupied as the two of us we recommend you to go and support them. Surely you will not regret it. With all of that we have more pictures then ever.

                                                       Two of us (Ana left, Anka right)

                                                                     Mihano Momosa

                                                                     Ana Ljubinkovic

                                                                    Bata Spasojevic

Ana is wearing:
Tally Weijl leather skirt
Tally Weijl t-shirt
Bershka jacket
H&M boots/Zara pumps

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Good mood

U proslom postu smo se pozdravile sa letom misleci da se pozdravljamo sa lepim vremenom, suncem, pa cak i lepim raspolozenjem koje nekako samo po sebi dolazi sa svim tim, medjutim, ispostavilo se da je lepo vreme jos tu. Na nekim slikama se cak i vidi lepo raspolozenje ljudi posto su ulice pune. Nase raspolozenje se popravilo kada nas je devojka iz servisa pozvala rekavsi nam da je fotoaparat u redu i da prvom prilikom mozemo da dodjemo po njega. Zbog toga smo izostale proslog vikenda, ali sad eto nema vise izvlacenja. Predlazemo da odvojite slobodno vreme da izadjete na sunce i prosetate. Vikend je, uzivajte. P.s. zamolila bih nekoga da mi preporuci photoshop bolji jer ovaj koji koristimo za povecavanje formata slika nam kvari kvalite.

In the last post we said goodbye to the summer with beautiful weather, the sun, and even good mood that somehow by itself comes with all of that, however, it turned out to be a good time still. In some images, you can even see people enjoying as they filled the streets. Our mood improved when girl from service called us saying that the camera is fine, and we can come and get it. That's why we left out last weekend, but now that's no longer going to happen. We suggest that you take the free time to go out and enjoy the sun and walk. It's the weekend, use it. P.s. I would ask someone to help me with better photoshop recommendation because this one we are using to increase our image formats spoils the quality.

Pull&Bear leather jacket
Bershka jeans
Carpisa bag
Lindex sunglasses
Zara t-shirt
Massin shoes
New Yorker shirt
Fossil watch
H&M rings