Kao sto smo pomenule uhvatile smo poslednje dane lepog vremena u proslom postu. Od sada vise truda i ulaganja u blog. Skoro dva meseca izostajanja. Nema vise opravdanja. Napolju je suncano i lepo, pa smo htele i to da iskoristimo. Vreme je bilo okej za patike. Najdraza kapa ikada i sve je tako ususkano i lepo. Teksas na teksas pa cak i razlicitih boja je super uz neke dodatke kao ovog puta. Uskoro ce i raspust, pa ce nasa posvecenost biti veca. Uzivajte do sledeceg posta.
Sorry for some hair on the coat ;)
Zara coat
Zara jeans
Zara bag
Stradivarius denim shirt
Stradivarius scarf
Gift beanie
H&m rings
Vans shoes
As we mentioned, we caught the last days of good weather in the last post. From now on, more effort and investment in the blog. Nearly two months of absence. No more excuses. It's sunny and nice outside, so we wanted to take advantage of. The weather was okay for Vans. Favorite beanie ever and everything is so nice and cosy at the same time. Denim on denim and even different colors is great with some additions like this one. Soon holidays are coming and so is our commitment to the blog. Enjoy 'till the next post.
Sorry for some hair on the coat ;)
Zara coat
Zara jeans
Zara bag
Stradivarius denim shirt
Stradivarius scarf
Gift beanie
H&m rings
Vans shoes