Sunday, December 22, 2013


Kao sto smo pomenule uhvatile smo poslednje dane lepog vremena u proslom postu. Od sada vise truda i ulaganja u blog. Skoro dva meseca izostajanja. Nema vise opravdanja. Napolju je suncano i lepo, pa smo htele i to da iskoristimo. Vreme je bilo okej za patike. Najdraza kapa ikada i sve je tako ususkano i lepo. Teksas na teksas pa cak i razlicitih boja je super uz neke dodatke kao ovog puta. Uskoro ce i raspust, pa ce nasa posvecenost biti veca. Uzivajte do sledeceg posta.

As we mentioned, we caught the last days of good weather in the last post. From now on, more effort and investment in the blog. Nearly two months of absence. No more excuses. It's sunny and nice outside, so we wanted to take advantage of. The weather was okay for Vans. Favorite beanie ever and everything is so nice and cosy at the same time. Denim on denim and even different colors is great with some additions like this one. Soon holidays are coming and so is our commitment to the blog. Enjoy 'till the next post.

Sorry for some hair on the coat ;)

Zara coat
Zara jeans
Zara bag
Stradivarius denim shirt
Stradivarius scarf
Gift beanie
H&m rings
Vans shoes 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Pumps love

Najbrze slikanje ikada, al' najsporije postavljanje posta. Meni (Anki) jedna od drazih kombinacija. Salonke su takva ljubav da je to neopisivo. Tako nekako ulapsaju kombinaciju pa kakva god da je ona. Obe volimo ove kombinacije sa stiklama i nekim skroz kezual izgledom. Slike su nastale u ponedeljak tako da smo uhvatile poslednji dan lepog vremena bar u narednom periodu cini mi se.

The fastest shooting ever, but the slowest posting.  One of my (Anka) favorite combinations. Pumps are the kind of love that is indescribable. Sort of a shoe magic because they can't be wrong. We both love the combination of heels and some totally casual look. The photos were taken on monday so we caught the last day of good weather at least in the future it seems to me.

Zara skirt
Zara pumps
Zara bag
Tally Weijl sweater
Gift hat

Monday, October 28, 2013

Belgrade fashion week

I vratile smo se! Privatne stvarcice i jako malo vremena, malo lose organizacije i eto sta se desi...izostale smo poprilicno. Uz to ide skola, a nas dve smo suprotna smena i nikako da se uklopimo i zavrsimo sve sto treba. Evo i novog posta, novog fashion week-a. Nasi talentovani dizajneri i mnostvo zainteresovanih ljudi da pogleda njihove revije. Zao nam je sto ne mozemo da izdvojimo vise vremena jer postoji jos dosta talentovanih dizajnera kojima revija predstoji narednih dana. Ako niste preokupirane kao sto smo nas dve preporucujemo vam da odete i podrzite ih. Sigurno se necete pokajati. Uz sve to sada imamo vise slika nego ikada.

And we're back! Small private things and so little time, a little bad organization and this is what happens ... we are quite lacking. School, and the two of us are opposite shifts and can not seem to fit and finish everything we need. Here's a new post, new fashion week. Our talented designers and lots of interested people to look at their shows. Sorry we can not distinguish more time because there are still plenty of talented designers shows coming days ahead. If you are not preoccupied as the two of us we recommend you to go and support them. Surely you will not regret it. With all of that we have more pictures then ever.

                                                       Two of us (Ana left, Anka right)

                                                                     Mihano Momosa

                                                                     Ana Ljubinkovic

                                                                    Bata Spasojevic

Ana is wearing:
Tally Weijl leather skirt
Tally Weijl t-shirt
Bershka jacket
H&M boots/Zara pumps

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Good mood

U proslom postu smo se pozdravile sa letom misleci da se pozdravljamo sa lepim vremenom, suncem, pa cak i lepim raspolozenjem koje nekako samo po sebi dolazi sa svim tim, medjutim, ispostavilo se da je lepo vreme jos tu. Na nekim slikama se cak i vidi lepo raspolozenje ljudi posto su ulice pune. Nase raspolozenje se popravilo kada nas je devojka iz servisa pozvala rekavsi nam da je fotoaparat u redu i da prvom prilikom mozemo da dodjemo po njega. Zbog toga smo izostale proslog vikenda, ali sad eto nema vise izvlacenja. Predlazemo da odvojite slobodno vreme da izadjete na sunce i prosetate. Vikend je, uzivajte. P.s. zamolila bih nekoga da mi preporuci photoshop bolji jer ovaj koji koristimo za povecavanje formata slika nam kvari kvalite.

In the last post we said goodbye to the summer with beautiful weather, the sun, and even good mood that somehow by itself comes with all of that, however, it turned out to be a good time still. In some images, you can even see people enjoying as they filled the streets. Our mood improved when girl from service called us saying that the camera is fine, and we can come and get it. That's why we left out last weekend, but now that's no longer going to happen. We suggest that you take the free time to go out and enjoy the sun and walk. It's the weekend, use it. P.s. I would ask someone to help me with better photoshop recommendation because this one we are using to increase our image formats spoils the quality.

Pull&Bear leather jacket
Bershka jeans
Carpisa bag
Lindex sunglasses
Zara t-shirt
Massin shoes
New Yorker shirt
Fossil watch
H&M rings

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Bye, bye summer

Pre nego sto bilo ko iskritikuje kvalitet slika moram da kazem da imamo problema sa fotoaparatom. Hitno mora u servis. Ne znam da objasnim sta se desava. Duvao je vetar, plus zurile smo, plus nije sve onako kako je bilo zamisljeno. Uz sve to, danas je poslednji dan leta. Zbog vremena nismo imale priliku da se pozdravimo sa letom kako dolikuje, da se ovde nadje nesto krace i sladje, lepsih boja i lepseg, letnjeg raspolozenja. Okej. cekamo da pocne lisce da opada sa drveca. Ne budimo pesimisti, nije ni to lose.

Before anyone criticize pictures quality I have to say that we have a problem with the camera. We need to take him urgently to the service. Do not know to explain what is going on with him. The wind was blowing, plus we were rushing, plus everything is not as it was intended. In addition, today is the last day of summer. Because of the weather we didn't have a chance to say goodbye to summer properly so we couldn't wear something shorter and sweeter, nicer and summer colors, summer mood. Okay. we'll wait for the leaves to begin to fall from the trees. Let's not be pessimistic, it's not that bad. 

Parfois bag
Converse shoes
Pull&bear jeans
Tally Weijl shirt
Tally Weijl necklace
Esprit jacket

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Casual sunday

Kezual nedelja. Ranac iz ovog posta je moram se pohvaliti star nekih dobrih 20 godina. Moja mama ga je nosila jos dok je bila student, a evo gde je zavrsio. Kada sam izgovorila 'mamin stari ranac' uz dodatnu pomoc Ane i voila, evo posta. Jedan od drazih dodataka za bilo koju kombinaciju nam je kapa. Bila ona vunena, pamucna, bio to mozda i sesir ili cak bilo sta od dodataka za glavu lepo izgleda. Ne prizivamo lose vreme kada stavimo kape jer ih vecina ljudi ne nosi uz sorts, ali to ne bi bilo to bez iste. Uz sve to, kao slag na torti moramo da napomenemo i da se zahvalimo na tacno 11 105 posetilaca. Stvarno, ali stvarno, stvarno zelimo da se zahvalimo svakome od tih par hiljada. Veliki pozdrav.

Casual sunday. Backpack from this post I have to say is old some good 20 years. My mom wore it when she was a student, and this is where he ended up. When I said 'mom's old backpack' with the additional help of Ana and voila, post is here. One of our favorite ones supplements for any combination is cap. Be it wool, cotton, whether maybe a hat or even any of the supplements on the head that got to looks good. We are not inviting cold when we put caps because most people do not wear it on shorts, but it would not be the same. With all of that, like cherry on top we have to mention and acknowledge 11 105 visitors. We really, really, but really want to thank each one of those few thousand. Big kisses.

Zara shorts
Bershka shirt
H&M beanie
H&M rings
Daniel Ray backpack
Not branded socks
Vans shoes

Saturday, September 7, 2013


Neki ljudi bi rekli da ova kombinacija ne ide nikako. Pa dobro. U drugim postovima se moze videti da volimo te nespojive kombinacije. Pomalo Keri, pomalo sportski, ma pomalo svega. Nije bilo dovoljno vremena a ni srece da bi se ovaj post nasao ranije na blogu. Pitate se zasto srece. Ana i ja nismo ista smena. E, pa, pocela je skola. Studenti nece jos dugo uzivati (iako im zavidimo na tom ne tako dugom periodu). Razumete nas, sigurna sam. Kako je vama prosla prva nedelja povratka ili cak pocetka skole?

Some people would say that this combination doesn't go at all. Oh, well. In the other posts you can see that we love to incompatible combinations. A little bit Carrie, a little sporty, whatever little bit of everything. There was no time and no luck for this post to be found earlier on the blog. Wondering why happiness. Ana and I are not the same shift. Well, the school started. Students will enjoy a few days longer (even we envy them for that not so long period of time). You understand us, I'm sure. How was your first week back or even start of school?

Zara t-shirt 
Zara necklace
Zorannah skirt
Zara bag
Converse shoes
Bershka sunglasses
Not branded hat
Aldo+Six rings

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Rainy plans

Post je trebao da se nadje na blogu jos pre minimum 3 sata, ali zaboravna ja (Anka, naravno, hahaha), glupa kisa, sitnice i izbor slika. Uobicajeno, samo sad je sve nekako duze trajalo, ni same ne znamo zasto. Iskoristicemo ovaj post da pomenemo i preporucimo Pineapple nakit. Upravo ova ogrlica koja je koriscena u postu je njihovih ruku delo. Takozvana ''kajla'' je nas favorit za upotpuniti autfit. Obavezno pogledajte njihove komade na fejsbuk stranici.

This post suppose to be found on the blog before minimum 3 hours, but I'm forgetful (Anka, of course, hahaha), stupid rain, some  little things and select images. Typically, only now it's all kind of a long time, we don't know why. We will use this post to mention and recommend the Pineapple jewelry. It is this necklace that was used in the post is their handwork. The so-called ''chain'' is our favorite piece to complete the outfit. You should look at their pieces on the facebook page.

Stradivarius shirt
Zara jeans
Parfois bag
Pineapple ogrlica
Six ring
Random bracelets
Converse shoes