Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Rainy plans

Post je trebao da se nadje na blogu jos pre minimum 3 sata, ali zaboravna ja (Anka, naravno, hahaha), glupa kisa, sitnice i izbor slika. Uobicajeno, samo sad je sve nekako duze trajalo, ni same ne znamo zasto. Iskoristicemo ovaj post da pomenemo i preporucimo Pineapple nakit. Upravo ova ogrlica koja je koriscena u postu je njihovih ruku delo. Takozvana ''kajla'' je nas favorit za upotpuniti autfit. Obavezno pogledajte njihove komade na fejsbuk stranici.

This post suppose to be found on the blog before minimum 3 hours, but I'm forgetful (Anka, of course, hahaha), stupid rain, some  little things and select images. Typically, only now it's all kind of a long time, we don't know why. We will use this post to mention and recommend the Pineapple jewelry. It is this necklace that was used in the post is their handwork. The so-called ''chain'' is our favorite piece to complete the outfit. You should look at their pieces on the facebook page.

Stradivarius shirt
Zara jeans
Parfois bag
Pineapple ogrlica
Six ring
Random bracelets
Converse shoes

Friday, August 23, 2013

The end is coming

Za sad postujemo datu rec. Redovnije smo. Post na 2 do 3 dana. Cesce nego ikad, morate priznati. Dodatno nam olaksava pad temperature u Srbiji. Bilo je i vreme. Valjda nas podstice i to sto dolazi kraj raspusta, pa znamo da nas ceka sve vise obaveza, a sve manje slobodnog vremena pa zelimo da iskoristimo to dok mozemo.

For now, we respect the given word. We are regularly. Post at 2 to 3 days. More often than ever, you have to admit. In addition, everything became easier because temperature droped in Serbia. It's about time. I guess we are encouraged because the end of summer break is coming, so we know that more work and less free time are waiting and we want to use it while we can.

Gift shirt
Pull&bear shorts
Bershka sunglasses
Vans shoes
Zara bag
Karisma hat
Accessorize+Six rings

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Vec je 21. avgust, a ovo je 1. post u tom mesecu. Ne znamo da li da se smejemo ili da placemo. Ovog puta (ustvari kao i uvek) preuzimam krivicu jer sam stvarno kriva. Bila sam odsutna (Anka) i blog je bilo nemoguce realizovati. Dugo nije bilo posta sa visokim potpeticama, pa eto. Kako opisati ovaj stil i sve sto se nalazi na slici? Ima vise stilova, ustvari, kojih smo nekako sklopile u jedan i mislimo da je na kraju sve super ispalo. Nadamo se da se slazete. Uz to ide obecanje da cemo biti cesce. Uzivajte, vratile smo se.

It's already 21st August, and this is the first post in the month. We don't know whether to laugh or cry. This time (in fact, as always) I take the blame because I'm guilty. I've been away (Anka) and the blog has been impossible to implement. Long time no post with high heels, so there you go. How to describe this style and all that is in the picture? There are many styles that we kind of concluded in one, and we think that in the end everything turned out great. We hope you agree. With it goes promise that we will be more frequent. Enjoy, we're back.

Tally Weijl t-shirt
Tally Weijl shorts
Zara necklace
Zara bag
Aldo+Six rings
Bershka shoes
Bershka sunglasses
Souvenir bandana