Monday, July 29, 2013


Sledeci post ce verovatno biti u Srbiji. Pretposlednji dan. Planirale smo vise postova ali ovo sunce nas je udarilo u glave i ulenjilo nas jos vise. Nikad nismo spavale manje, al' nikad se nismo ni provodile bolje. Uzivamo i koristimo vreme maksimalno pa je tesko uzeti aparat u ruke i ispucati par slika pored tako lepog mora. 

Next post will probably be in Serbia. The before last day. We planned more posts but this sun hit us in the heads and made us lazier even more. We never slept less, but we never spend time better. We are enjoying using the maximum time and it's hard to take a camera in hand and snap a few pictures next to such a beautiful beach.

Zara skirt
Zara t-shirt
Accessorize bag
Jessica Simpson shoes
Fishbone hat

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


U poslednjem trenutku smo se spakovale sa ogromnim osmesima na licima i jos vecim koferima. More, sunce, plaza i drustvo. Ne moze lepse od toga. Uzivamo i tesko nam je da ukljucimo laptop pa cak i radi bloga jer bismo da maksimalno iskoristimo 10 dana ''odmora''. Par brzih slika uz plazu i vracamo se Grckom vremenu sat vremena unapred.

We packed suitcases wit huge smiles on our faces. Sea, sun, beach and friends. It can't be more beautiful than that. We are enjoying and it's difficult for us to include laptop even the blog because that is type of wasting 10 days of ''rest''. A couple quick pictures on the beach and we are going back to Greek time one hour forward.

Pull&bear jumpsuit
Fishbone t-shirt
Stradivarius bag
Bershka sunglasses
Converse shoes

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Licno ja (Anka) imam instagram od marta ove godine. Napravila sam ga krajem marta, naravno po Aninom nagovoru. Od tad sam se toliko navukla da ja mislim da nema dana kad ga ne posetim. Uglavnom ga posecujem radi slika drugih ljudi, ali volim i ja da ih postavljam. Znam da veliki broj ljudi ima instagram tako da ako zelite pratite me, ili bar bacite pogled ako nemate pametnija posla. anka_zz Za razliku od mene, Ana duzi vremenski period koristi instagram, ali ga redje posecuje i redje objavljuje slike. Isto vazi i za nju, znate. anaap98

Personally I (Anka) have instagram from March, this year. I made it at the end of March, of course, by Ana's insistence. Since that time, I was so hooked that I think there isn't a day when I don't visit it. Basically for pictures of other people, but I love to post them too. I know that many people have instagram so if you do follow me, or at least take a look if you don't have anything better to do. anka_zz Contrary, Ana use it longer, but rarely visite and rarely publishe images. The same goes for her, so go. anaap98

Zara dress
Zara bag
Zara vest denim
Converse shoes
Karisma hat
Ray Ban sunglasses

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Everyday birthday

Malo malo pa izostajemo. Prva slika je uglavnom razlog izostajanja (tu bi trebala da stoji slika i novog psa koji mi je bio jedan od drazih poklona). Anka pise. To malo stvorenje od 2 meseca mi ne da mira (a i Ani kad je vidi, ali uglavnom mene voli da ''muci''). Da sad ne pisem kako je slatka i divna i luda i bla bla...Dovoljno davim i ljude oko sebe, pa to necu uraditi i ovde. Vreme u Beogradu je (naravno kao i oduvek) cudno. Kada izlazimo oko 8 sati popodne tj. uvece iz kuce treba nam neki dzemper/duks dok tokom dana ''niskih'' 30 stepeni nas tera na bazen. Sedimo na terasi i gledamo neke Diznijeve crtane filmove. Planiramo ovih dana da posvetimo celo vece istim.

Absent as usual. The first image is main reason for absence (there should be a picture of dog who was one of my favorite gifts). Anka is writing. That little creature only 2 months old tortures me (and Ana when she see her, but mostly she likes to'' torture'' me). I won't write about how sweet and wonderful and crazy and blah blah she is...I bother people around me enough so I won't do it here. Weather in Belgrade (of course as always) is awkward. When we go out around 8 pm from the house we need a sweater but rest of the day has '' low'' 30 degrees calls us to the pool. We are sitting on the terrace and watching some Disney cartoons. We plan these days to devote the whole evening for the same.

Stradivarius dress
New Yorker sweater
Accessorize bag
Six+gift rings
Vans shoes