Saturday, March 1, 2014

Mustard day

Ova zima nam je super posluzila. Izuzev onih par dana kad smo bas osetili sta je zima. Danas nigde ni traga od iste. Iskoristite dan sto bolje moguce, uzivajte, prosetajte se i uverite se u moje reci. Ovo je bas nekako dan za novi post posle duzeg vremena. Jos nije vreme za neke tanje majice i nesto kratko, ali trenutno najdrazi dzemper je super posluzio. Boja senfa, pa super. Udobno, a isto tako okej za lagano podne, pa cak i vece.

 This winter served us so well. Except those few days when we just felt what it is the real winter like. Today no sign of it. Use this day as far as possible, have fun, take a walk and you'll believe me. This is just kind of a day for a new post after a long time. It's not time for a thin t-shirt and some short, but the current favorite sweater is great. Mustard, lovely. Comfortable and also okay for easy day or even night.

New Yorker sweater
Zara pants
New Yorker sunglasses (Lindex)
Zara bag
Vans shoes
H&M+Bershka rings
Zara necklace